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歡迎光臨 🇨🇵DE BUYER 法國畢耶

🇫🇷法國國慶月🇫🇷限定登入會員領券限抵 $714

歡迎光臨 🇨🇵DE BUYER 法國畢耶

🇫🇷法國國慶月🇫🇷限定登入會員領券限抵 $714

歡迎光臨 🇨🇵DE BUYER 法國畢耶

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Pistachio chocolate tart


Ingredients : Serves 6

Chocolate paste

  • 45 g icing sucar
  • 15 g ground almonds
  • 115 g flour
  • Half of one egg
  • Pinch of salt
  • 75 g butter at room temperature
  • 8 g unsweetened cocoa



Whipped ganache

  • 60 g white chocolate
  • 30 g + 70 g whipping cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon pistachio paste
  • 60 ml milk
  • 60 g whipping cream



Pistachio cream

  • 60 g softened butter
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 50 g ground pistachio


Chocolate ganache

  • 22 g sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 85 g chocolate



Prepare the chocolate paste the day before.

  • Add the butter to your mixing bowl and mix it with a spatula to thin and soften it.
  • Add the icing sugar, the ground almond and the pinch of salt. Mix until smooth and consistent.
  • Add the beaten half egg and mix again.
  • Sift in the flour and cocoa and mix again.
  • Wrap the paste in cling film and leave in the fridge either overnight or for at least four hours.


Prepare the whipped pistachio ganache the day before as well.

  • Pour 50 g of cream into a small pan and add the honey.
  • Place over the heat. Remove from the heat soon as it begins to boil.
  • Add the white chocolate and mix it until it's melted.
  • Add the 70 g of chilled cream and the pistachio paste and mix well.
  • Cover with cling film, ensuring the film is in close contact with the ganache to prevent air bubbles forming between the cling film and the mixture. 
  • Leave in the fridge overnight or for at least four hours.


The following day, roll out the paste and line your buttered mould with it. Place it in the fridge.

Preheat your oven to 180°C.


Make the creamed pistachio.

  • Mix the 50 g of soft butter with the icing sugar.
  • Next add the egg, mix well, then add the ground pistachio.
  • Pour the creamed pistachio into the icing bag, fitted with nozzle 7 or 8, and pipe it onto the paste. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Reduce the temperature to 160°C and bake for a further 10 minutes.
  • Leave to cool on a rack.


Prepare the chocolate ganache.

  • Bring the milk and cream mixture to a boil. Remove from the heat immediately.
  • Mix the egg yolk and sugar together until frothy.
  • Pour in the milk and cream mixture and transfer back to the pan.
  • Cook over a medium heat for three minutes, stirring all the time. The resulting mixture needs to be very smooth and creamy.
  • Remove from the heat and add your chocolate in pieces. Wait two minutes to allow the chocolate to melt, then mix.
  • Pour the still warm ganache into your baked tart base. Leave to cool at room temperature.


Place both the bowl and whisk of your mixer in the freezer for a few minutes.

Once the bowl is nice and cold, pour in the pistachio ganache and whip for several minutes. The resulting ganache should be nice and firm, and quite compact.

Immediately decorate your tart however you like using the piping bag or with the help of a spatula.






Emma, Casserole & Chocolat

After a career in industry, Emmanuelle decided to fully commit herself to her real passion — baking for her nearest and dearest.

She created her blog Casserole&Chocolat (www.casseroleetchocolat.fr) in 2017 and posts all her recipes there. These include sweet and savoury treats and breads, all using a traditional approach and local and seasonal produce. Emmanuelle has a gourmet openness to world cuisine and fills her baking with accents redolent of spices to take your taste buds on a journey.

Emmanuelle has collaborated with De Buyer for several years now, using their innovative utensils in her baking.